Key Bindings¶
The default key bindings are defined as follows. To change any of the key binding, or to define new ones, see Changing shortcuts in the configuration section.
Movement and focus¶
- mod+h
Focus container on left / Focus most recently used tiling container
- mod+l
Focus container on right / Focus most recently used tiling container
- mod+k
Focus container above / Focus most recently used tiling container
- mod+j
Focus container below / Focus most recently used tiling container
- mod+a
Focus parent
- mod+s
Focus child
- Alt+Tab
Focus most recently used floating container / Cycle floating containers in MRU order (while holding Alt)
- Super+Tab
Focus most recently used tiling containner / Cycle tiling containers in MRU order (while holding Super). A container focused more than 0.5 seconds is considered "used".
- mod+Shift+l
Swap container to right
- mod+Shift+h
Swap container to left
- mod+Shift+k
Swap container above
- mod+Shift+j
Swap container below
Advanced movement¶
- mod+y
Mark container for movement
- mod+Shift+y
Mark next container for movement
- mod+p
Place marked containers under (as a child) of the currently focused container
- mod+mouse1
(hardcoded) Click to drag the client around (both tiled or floating). Dragging a tiled container will displace the container while keeping the surrounding layout.
Gouping and parenting¶
- mod+w
Group every sibling container of the currently focused container under a new parent next to the focus
Layout, splits and fullscreen¶
- mod+e
Shift layout between horizontal and vertical splitting
- mod+t
Stack or tab containers. Whether to stack or tab will depend on splitting mode (see above).
- mod+Control+Shift+h
Stack container with the container to the left
- mod+Control+Shift+l
Stack container with the container to the right
- mod+v
Create a vertical split. Launch application to place is under newly created branch. To place existing applications, mark and paste (mod+y, mod+p).
- mod+onehalf
Create a vertical split -- see above.
- mod+f
Enter or leave fullscreen mode
- mod+Space
Toggle between floating and tiled modes
- mod+1
Switch to workspace 1.
- mod+2
Switch to workspace 2.
- mod+3
Switch to workspace 3.
- mod+4
Switch to workspace 4.
- mod+0
Switch to a dedicated workspace on which compositor is disabled. Suitable for graphically intensive applications, such as games, which may benefit from a disabled compositor. Alternatively, fullscreen applications can be unredirected on any workspace when --unredirect-on-fullscreen option is used.
Note that any number of workspaces can be set up in the config, and the workspaces are not limited to the preset four.
Client dimensions¶
In Chamferwm, the size of the container can be adjusted in two ways: resize and adjust the size of the peers in the same parent container accordingly, or resize locally keeping the surrounding layout intact (may result in overlapping).
- mod+r
Reset container size and placement (local size)
- mod+minus, Super+j
Decrease container size horizontally
- mod+Control+minus, Super+Control+j
Decrease container size horizontally (local resize, no layout adjustment)
- mod+plus, Super+k
Increase container size horizontally
- mod+Control+plus, Super+Control+k
Increase container size horizontally (local resize, no layout adjustment)
- mod+Shift+minus, Super+Shift+j
Decrease container size vertically
- mod+Shift+Control+minus, Super+Shift+Control+j
Decrease container size vertically (local resize, no layout adjustment)
- mod+Shift+plus, Super+Shift+k
Increase container size vertically
- mod+Shift+Control+plus, Super+Shift+Control+k
Increase container size vertically (local resize, no layout adjustment)
Launching and closing applications¶
- mod+Shift+q
Close client window
- mod+Enter
Launch terminal (default terminal needs to be set in the configuration)
- Super+1
Launch browser (default browser needs to be set in the configuration)
- Super+2
Launch browser with private window
Audio, screen etc.¶
- XF86_AudioRaiseVolume
Increase volume by 5% (controlled by PulseAudio - requires pulsectl Python module by default).
- XF86_AudioLowerVolume
Decrease volume by 5%
- XF86_MonBrightnessUp
Increase screen brightness by 20% (requires xbacklight by default)
- XF86_MonBrightnessDown
Decrease screen brightness by 20%
- Control+q
No operation - used to disable the highly harmful web browser quit shortcut
Window Manager¶
- Alt+Shift+e
(hardcoded) Exit Chamferwm